12/15 Yard Dumpster

Our most ordered dumpster is the 12 Yard, big enough for most residential needs and our cheapest rental.  Ask about our 15 Yard dumpster if you need just a little more space to fill.

20 Yard Dumpster

These are perfect for remodeling or just need that extra room for those big trash items

30/40 Yard Dumpster

great for:
Large garage cleanout
Large deck removal
Kitchen & bathroom renovation
Disposing of junk when moving out/in
Small home demolition, or shed/garage/barn demo
Swimming pool demo
Construction of small home, cottage, or cabin
Large yard waste removal
Cleanout situations

Why rent from Paradise?

Cheapest rates in Brevard county!

No hidden fees!

Same day availability

Easy to load dumpsters

Locally owned and operated

Call Paradise when you need trash gone, we are here to help! We strive to deliver the same day and are able to pick up the same day if communicated. We understand, customers want a dumpster removed in a timely manner, not sitting on there grass or driveway for days on in!



Next Steps…

Figuring out the right size of a dumpster for your job!

Or Fill out a request at the bottom of the page! See our FAQ